Thursday, November 12, 2009

Virginia's Nor'easter

Today was to be the worst weather event since Hurricane Isabel in 2003. The weather guy said tides and pounding rain were going to swamp the Hampton Roads area. So I was ready...I had my coffee and a good book. I had my jammies and my blanket ready. I turned on the news to watch the closings scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Oh good! Poquoson is closed, and my school district is right next door. Wow, Virginia Beach is closed, and they NEVER close for anything! Next on the ticker, I see Chesapeake, then Norfolk, then Suffolk, then Portsmouth. Pretty soon, every school district on the Southside and on the Peninsula EXCEPT Newport News. Pfft! I got dressed, just in case. My heart was soon broken...I ended up GOING TO SCHOOL! I had only 11 students show up for class. It turned out to be a game day, which was good for team buiding.
Seems tomorrow we are starting the day with a 2-hr. delay.
I am loving the weather, though. Lots of rain and wind. Just my cup of tea.